Some Thoughts to Share

April 10, 2020

First and foremost, I never ever thought I would be a developer… but here I am.

Like many in their young adulthood they experience life through many opportunities:
-Wedding Planner
-T-shirt Designer/Etsy business owner

Me (Alex) with a camera in college

Though the opportunities had their plethora of fantastic moments of learning and shaping who I am, they still left the alluding question of: “Is this what I’m passionate about?” I think many of us have had that personified enemy called Doubt following in our shadow. Frankly, Doubt will always linger around but how do we combat it?

For me, thanks to a day of tear-soaked Kleenex and moody classical music, I decided to do some research. After hours watching some encouraging words from some TED Talks and Mike Rowe, I decided to throw that “passion question” out into the garbage and shift my perspective elsewhere. Now the question was, “Where am I needed?” The answer for me was tech.

Fast forward through more research, coding bootcamps and many Google/Stack Overflow searches to today… I can proudly share I am a front-end developer. As cheesy this sounds, I’ve been through many highs and lows all thanks to my worst enemy, Doubt. Upon sharing my new exciting journey, people will automatically ask me questions like:
Are you ULTRA confident in your tech skills? No way!
Do you know everything? Uhh… I don’t think anyone can.
Are you ready for technical interviews? Let me go hide in a corner right now and cry.

You’re probably thinking: “Yikes! She’s going to throw in the towel!” Well my friend, your thoughts are null. The biggest question to ask me is: “Do you love what you are doing?” The answer is a confident “OH YES!!!”

Me (Alex) smirking at something next to me

I truly believe I have found something that I enjoy that utilizes my past opportunities and will shape me into a better individual. As a developer, I can continuously channel my unique self to help others and contribute to something that positively impacts the World (which is AMAZING).

Does Doubt still follow me around? Yep and will never go away… but that is OK. It proves that I’m moving in the right direction with no regrets.

My son and I making a "shocked" face